Our Reflex Integration approach is directed toward maturing the neurodevelopmental system through the integration of intra-uterine, primitive & postural reflexes. Due to disturbances during pregnancy or if an infant does not accomplish sufficient scooting, crawling and creeping to integrate reflexes or when the body experiences a significant illness, trauma or toxic exposure, various reflexes may remain or become active.
Active reflexes negatively affect neurological function, effectively
increasing the bodies total stress burden. This can affect brain function related to:
~ vestibular development ~ sensory processing
~ focus and concentration ~ hyperactivity
~ auditory processing ~ vision processing
~ sequencing ability ~ memory
~ emotional sensitivity ~ physical coordination
By stimulating the reflex patterns, the genetic motor resources are awakened, which strengthens motor memory and sensory-motor coherence. In adults, if there was typical development, these issues resolve quickly. In children, too often these reflexes have never fully matured and integrated, making this therapy an important puzzle piece in neurodevelopmental recovery.
We draw from the work of the Institute for Neurophysiological Psychology, Masgutova Method, Rhythmic Movement, Quantum Reflex Integration and Brain Gym(TM).